(281) 890-7090






Car Accident Claims Made Easier

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Find the Right Family Lawyer with LegalMatch

Adoption can be an emotional and legally complex process. Every situation varies from the next, as do the laws of each state. Once a party has decided to adopt, a home study process is required in all states. A home study includes a series of interviews and home visits that are intended to evaluate the potential adoptive family or parent, and to help educate and prepare them for the upcoming adoption. Once the parent or family is cleared for adoption, the next step is to find a child waiting for adoption, or a birth mother who is willing to go...

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Online Services

Case Access - AppellateYou can get a summary of your appellate case. All you need is your case number. Access NowTentative Rulings - AppellateYou can search by case number or location for tentative rulings made in appellate cases. Access NowCase Access - Civil You can get a summary of your civil, small claims, family law and probate case. All you need is your case number. Access NowCase Document Images - Civil, Small Claims, Family Law, and ProbateYou can download scanned images of case documents.Access NowCourt Reservation System (CRS) - Civil You can make a reservation for a civil unlimited case...

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Mediation Is A Not A Formality

Firstly Mediation Is A Not A Formality  Why The Parties Should Take It Seriously? Money, time, control, creativity, privacy and predictability – these are all factors to consider when approaching the mediation of a Florida divorce – whether voluntarily or because of a court order. Divorcing parties may choose on their own to enter private mediation to try to resolve the legal issues in their divorce. Or, a Florida judge may require the parties to a divorce to try mediation before the judge will hold a trial. Mediation Is A Not A Formality What exactly is mediation?Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR)...

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Private Placement Memorandum

AnsdWhat is a Private Placement Memorandum? A Private Placement Memorandum, or “PPM,” is a disclosure document often used in connection with a private offering of securities. It contains a compilation of information about the company issuing the securities, the terms of the securities, and the risks of investing in those securities. This article explains the legal background underlying why a PPM is commonly used and overviews what is typically included in a PPM.  Why Use a PPM? Put simply, a PPM is used to inform potential investors about an offering of securities. The amount of disclosure document like a PPM varies among private...

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Understanding the Key Features of a Convertible Note Offering

Now that we have considered the principal reasons a startup may choose to issue convertible notes to investors in lieu of selling shares – namely, to raise capital efficiently and without a fixed valuation – let’s get a better understanding of how a convertible note offering works. Because a startup investor’s strategy is fundamentally high-risk high-reward, convertible notes look much different than, for example, a traditional bank loan to a small business. The goal of a small business lender is to collect interest income whereas the goal of a convertible note investor is to acquire equity in a startup (at a discount)...

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What is an Texas Legacy Trust, and When Do You Need One?

There are many types of trusts with different features designed to achieve different estate planning goals. Depending on the type, trusts can keep assets out of probate, prevent beneficiaries from wasting their inheritance, protect assets of beneficiaries with special needs, minimize tax burdens, and protect assets from creditors. If placing your hard-earned assets out of the reach of potential future creditors is one of your goals, you may want to consider an Texas Legacy Trust. An Texas Legacy Trust (TLT) is a type of domestic asset protection trust (DAPT). The TLT is a relatively new tool in Texas estate planning attorneys’ toolkit, having...

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Costs That Child Support Isn’t Intended to Cover in Texas

Child support is generally paid by the noncustodial parent to the parent who retains primary physical custody to help cover the basis expenses associated with raising a child. Even if the noncustodial parent is ordered to pay the maximum support amount, though, it frequently falls short of covering all the extra expenses that arise in raising a child. These added costs associated with raising a child that are not covered by child support include all of those that are are associated with their enrichment. The Texas Family Code outlines uncovered expenses by age group. If you and your ex share an infant,...

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When Might a Child’s Wishes Be Considered In a Custody Dispute?

If you’re seeking custody of your child, in some cases judges may look to your kids to ask them which parent they’d like to reside with more. Whether a child will be called upon to testify at their own child custody hearing about their preferences largely depends on their level of maturity and age, although those aren’t the only factors. How well he or she appears to be able to make informed decisions and articulate his or her feelings will play a role in whether his or her testimony is considered too. A judge may also seek out a child’s testimony or...

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