(281) 890-7090






Affordable Legal Protection

Affordable Legal Protection

Our lawyers are licensed in every state with an average of 22 years of experience. Your on-call membership can save you hundreds every time you use it, to: ]]>

  • Consult on any personal legal issue, even pre-existing ones
  • Request preparation and review of legal documents (up to 15 pages each)
  • Get 24/7/365 emergency access

‘,placement:”bottom”,arrow:false,theme:”custom”,allowHTML:true});tippy(“.estate”,{content:’ Designated Consultation

For out-of-state legal matters and specific areas of law, your business is entitled to three 30-minute phone consultations per year with an experienced lawyer at your Provider Law Firm. Further services required beyond the telephone consultations will be provided at a discount of 10%-25% from the provider lawyer ‘s standard hourly corporate rate.

  • International Law
  • Tax
  • Copyright
  • Patent
  • Trademark
  • Securities
  • Intellectual Property
  • Antitrust
  • Immigration
  • Non-domestic Legal Issues in Canada

‘,placement:”bottom”,arrow:false,theme:”custom”,allowHTML:true});tippy(“.real”,{content:”Get exclusive LegalShield member discounts on hundreds of your favorite brands like Verizon, T-Mobile, Amazon, Samsung, Costco and many more!”,placement:”bottom”,arrow:false,theme:”custom”});tippy(“.family”,{content:”Receive a 25% discount off of your provider law firm’s rate for legal services not covered in your member contract.!”,placement:”bottom”,arrow:false,theme:”custom”});tippy(“.add”,{content:”Designated users get access to LegalShield services online, by phone and on the LegalShield mobile app.”,placement:”bottom”,arrow:false,theme:”custom”});
